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what we do

Building value within our portfolio businesses is our primary focus. Historically the JWG team has been able to create an exponential increase in value and returns as a result of professionalization of technology, leadership, operations and workflow. Quality consumer products that provide clear, realistic, and readily comprehensible value are a principal focus. Controlled growth, hands-on management, detailed reporting, systematic and clear analysis and experience are the watchwords of the firm.

We focus on invigorating brand names that have produced historic and quality products. We are often able to perceive value where others in the industry cannot and to create economic growth and value.

We invest in businesses that have brands and products that have historically provided strong value to, but have not kept up with the times. Implementing technology, injecting capital, upgrading skills, and the flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing markets are at the core of our methodology. Careful analysis of undervalued companies allows us to select the companies that can be readily adapted via innovation to once again meet market and consumer needs.


Our methodology is consistent and patient, while also measuring improvement on a constant and careful basis. It takes time, stability, liquidity and an appropriate capital structure to rebuild businesses. All our acquisitions are founded on a long-term perspective, plans that span a period of years, and a strong conviction that access to an in-house pool of expertise can unlock value in products and brands via suppliers, technology, innovation, and the right markets.

JWG has a core philosophy that value investments require direct involvement, active interest, support and belief, massive and decisive action and experience. It takes the shared experience of a veteran group of business leaders who team up to breathe innovation, passion, determination and effort into building success.

Already, our philosophy and technique has provided new U.S. employment, in our New Jersey and New York locations and companies.

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